
Jack Sanner & SannerSongs News

OK, I've got a problem.

Well, it's not a giant problem but it just doesn't seem to be going away. So here it is.

There are just too many things to do at the Sanner Castle that none of them are getting done.

So, we've decided that for the rest of 2008, i/we/us will:
  1. Unplug the fog machine
  2. Pack up the laser light show
  3. Haul the sound system into storage, and
  4. Give our ears a rest from all the loud concerts.

That's right. In an effort to focus on the recording projects, video projects, and other new projects, we are going to UNPLUG and slow down.

Truth is, we find that our online presence, podcasts, and other recordings are making a bigger impact than expected. That coupled with my personal health concerns and limitations, has led us to at least "take a breather" from the large concerts and rallies, and focus on our in-house projects, as well as the small venue (more local) performances.

So this is good news and bad news for ya'll. It means that we will finish the CDs that are in the works.

So for now, Caps Lock will go Unplugged for the rest of 2008. Also Jack and Willowridge and Finnegan will be booking weekends in tiny venues, as they work on new material. So look for us at coffehouses, churches, (a wedding or two) and house concerts in the Pittsburgh area.

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