
Musician Wanted

Must work cheap. Must not mind being called a 'Roadie'. Because that what they'll be.

I guess this is what happens when you get old.
  • I was once an angry young man. (with hair). Not any more.
  • I was once anxious to learn to play a new musical instrument. Not any more.
  • I was once willing to drive ten hours to get to a thirty minute gig. Not any more.
  • I was once a good looking stud that all the women loved. (OK, SOME things haven't changed)
But one thing that has changed is how little I enjoy hauling all that equipment around these days. That, my friend is the musicians curse.
Pack up. Transport. Unpack. Set up. Sound check. Fix crap. (Have too much fun playing for you all). Pack up. Transport. Unpack. Set up. Sound check. Fix crap. Rinse. Lather. Repeat.
So, if you know some (not too smart) young strapping musician-want-to-be that wouldn't mind doing all the work as I get all the fun....

...Let Me Know,


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