Everytime a Bell Rings An Angel Gets its Wings!
I'm sending out a special thanks to the R-ACT Theatre Company of Rochester, PA for allowing me to be a part of their annual Christmas Radio Drama this year. I had a great time.
Actually of all the little parts I played, I felt most funny with the Santa role. Not that I'm Jewish or anything, but the truth is we never much focused on Santa as our kids grew up. But since the part was actually Santa in cognito, I didn't have to do any HO-Ho-Ho's. That helped.
Thanks to Larry Spinnawebber for some great playwriting and to all the cast for a job well done. All of you were great to me except the lady that told me to 'break a leg' before the performance. That was RUDE!?!
Thanks also to the Merrick Art Gallery in New Brighton for hosting the performances. And for the great goat cheese on the buffet after every performance. It almost makes me want to get a goat for Christmas!
About this Santa in cognito concept....never mind,
PS: I've always wanted to deliver that line from the end of the movie It's A Wonderful Life...
ZUZU: "Daddy, teacher says, 'Everytime a bell rings, an angel gets it's wings!'"
But I got beat out by someone who was much younger and cuter than me... AGAIN! (There's always next year)
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