The Gazebo Tour has begun!
I'm afraid some of the insiders have seen this coming! Look out world, Jack has escaped and is on the loose... And he may be coming to an outdoor gazebo near you!
July 4th kicked off the
Gazebo Tour 2005for Jack Sanner and his roving lap dulcimer. First some details...
In a personal crusade to further the influence of modern folk music and the Appalachian Lap Dulcimer, Jack has taken it upon himself to do all he can to influence our communities with music. So, armed with his dulcimer and far-too-many-bad-jokes, Jack has begun a clandestine infiltration of secret folk music mini-gatherings.
So, what does that mean?
It simply means that Jack Sanner will be quite busy during the Summer of 2005! The dulcimer album is finished and the temperature is right, so Jack takes to the road (both invited and uninvited) to share the music everywhere he can.
Between his regular scheduled dates, expect to see Jack playing and singing and strutting his stuff (maybe not much 'strutting') at a local outdoor gazebo near you.
The dulcimer is such a beautiful (and portable) instrument, there is no need for all the fancy equipment he used to haul around. There is no need to sponsor such big events in order to pay so many people.
Now, during the Summer of 2005, it will be just Jack and an intimate sharing of a simple and down to earth music. And in many ways, without all the hype and hoopla... it's better that way. (Besides, Jack has a thing for gazebos.)
So stay tuned here for details about how you can see the dulcimer, the man, the legend (a legend in his own mind, at least).
PS: Bookmark this page or search on Google for 'SannerSongs' or 'Jack Sanner' for more details. Also, you can join the email list to keep up with all the latest happenings.
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