Great news (for me)
I've just received the news from my internet music provider INTO MUSIC that my Bluegrass album Willowridge Hill has reached the top 20 (download factor) chart. That's really great news considering the project has only been listed there a short time.
* Stay tuned for how you help me even more *
Now, INTO MUSIC allows anyone from around the world to listen to certain songs from the project FREE. These charts keep track of all those that have listened, and then subsequently DOWNLOAD music to keep. (Cool, huh?)
Well, I am pleased to note that over 40% of those listeners chose to download from my site a song or two either free or for a fee. That placed my music at a glorious...
#14 on the entire Acoustic music category this past week! (Impressed? Well, are you?)
In addition to that I ranked #1 in the New Acoustic category for the week! (Must be little competition there, huh?)
I'd like to thank you all for your faithfulness that makes the music possible. Writing and recording and performing is often tough work. But if I can enrich someone's life in the process, it makes it all worth it to me. (tear-in-my-eye)
Go HERE and listen to a song or two, if you'd like. But whatever you do... PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE SONG 'I'll Go To My Grave (Loving You)' FOR FREE. This will increase the numbers in my favor.
Who knows you might be able to say "I knew him when..."
But seriously, thanks for all the support through all the years.
PS: If you forgot where to go, go HERE
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