
Taking A Ride In The Country
Here's another sneak preview of the soon-to-be-released album titled FOGGY MOUNTAIN MELODIES. The song we will discuss is TAKING A RIDE.

OK, so I am not beyond tongue-in-cheek humor. So just get over it.

This is a song about a city-boy who loves to get away from the rush hour traffic and escape into the country. Or at least the country of his imagination. Here's some lyrics, maybe you can see what I mean.

I want to smell some manure...some more.
I want all that good old nature has in store.
I want to see some birds... and some bees.
Even if I can't tell the forest from the trees.

But even if the verses are a little wacky the chorus sums it up quite admirably.

Taking a ride in the country.
Let the city see my tail lights for a while.
Saying "Hello" to the country.
Saying "Goodbye, city street signs" with a smile.

Now I feel compelled to warn you that the verses get crazier and crazier as they go along, but we will leave them out at this time lest you begin to think of me as a raving lunatic. (I might rave at times but I'm not a lunatic. Or at least when I ask my wife if I'm a lunatic she reasures me I'm not. She just calls me 'different than everyone else'. I think that's OK. Isn't it?)

So be on the look out for the Foggy Mountain Melodies CD release April 1, 2005. Email me for special pre-release pricing so you can save some money, too.

Will Talk Again Soon,


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