

'Tis the season to give thanks!

Thanksgiving Day in America is a time to remember all the many blessings we have been given. (Sorry to our international readers, but this is OUR holiday! Get your own pilgrims.) There is so many blessings to be grateful for. But we sometimes take much for granted.

I, for one, have much to be thankful for. Like the fact it has been a whole year since last thanksgiving. This is not my feeble attempts at creating a 'Thanksgiving Scrooge'. But I find it hard to celebrate ANY holiday that always falls on a THURSDAY.

I mean, COME ON... EVERYBODY knows that all the GOOD holidays are on Mondays! Like Labor Day and Memorial Day and even Presidents Day. Whoever came up with a holiday on Thursday?

I know there are some holidays that you can't pin down to a certain day of the week like Christmas or July 4th, but don't worry... I'm working on that, too.

Now back to Thanksgiving, a holiday in the middle of the week just screws things up. What did Thursday ever do wrong to deserve this, anyway?

Now I know that KARIOKE was invented on a Thursday, but this criminal act should be overlooked not encouraged. Let the local bars do Thursday night karioke if they must, but let's not make it a National Holiday! (Besides, the rumor that the pilgrims and indians sang Beatles' songs at the first Thanksgiving dinner is simply a terrible urban legend)

I'm circulating a petition to make EVERY holiday fall on a Monday. See, nobody likes Mondays, anyway. (Rainy days and Mondays always get me down) Mondays do nothing but ruin a perfectly good weekend, so if we could come up with fifty-two national holidays... we'd have it made!

My vote is to make Thanksgiving the third Monday in November. No, wait! If Thanksgiving is officially the beginning of the Christmas rush... and since every year that rush gets more hustled and bustled... I've got a perfect solution!

Let's make thanksgiving some Monday in June...

That way maybe I'll get my shopping done before Christmas Eve!


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