FREE JUNK MAIL - Sign Up Here!
What a marketing slogan, huh? How about
"Spam Isn't Just For Lunchboxes anymore!"
Or I'm thinking...
"Fill your inbox with useless emails. Act now and embarrassing porn included at no extra charge!"
(Oh, ah... maybe not.)
I remember the days when junkmail was sent in suspicious looking envelopes in your (physical) mailbox. "Only junk mail" Mom would say.
I also remember shortly after I moved out of my parents house. I didn't get ANY mail. I'd have almost KILLED for some junkmail!
Its like everyone I ever knew forgot about me on purpose.
Or maybe they didn't like me any more.
Or maybe they were looking for a reason to lose track of me.
(I don't want to think about it now, it's too depressing)
So times have sure changed, huh? Email has made communication so much easier that I KNOW if my friends are avoiding me. And of course it is now SO MUCH easier for those phunky pharmacists, online nymphomaniacs, and retailers of body part enlargers (both male and female - use your imagination).
What? Its only me who gets this junkmail? Can't be. First of all I didn't ask for it.
Get real! Who in their right mind would sign up for a mailist promoting stripper screensavers? Oh, yeah, please put me on the list to be notified of the latest excercise gadget selling for over $300, please!
No, and I don't think I'd rather be informed about the newest vitamin 'formula' that will increase my stamina, energy, sex life, and make me look 10 years younger without plastic surgery or harmful chemicals.
(Give me a break!)
Truth is... I send it all to junkmail.
Do not pass Go, do not collect $200. Goodbye!
Anyway, I got so excited I forgot about why I started this post.
(Oh yeah, I remember...)
...Sign up for my email list by clicking HERE.
Until Later,
PS: I just got a really fascinating email from someone in NIGERIA. Something about needing my bank account numbers. (Sounds interesting!)
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