
It's been YEARS in the making...
Finally the SannerSongs Blog is here (applause!)

Having this forum to express my inner most feelings and to share my secret most desires and emotions with the world touches me deeply. (actually I just said that because that's the sappy kind of dribble I think your supposed to say. Now that we got that sissy emotional stuff out of the way ...)

I'm tired! No, I mean it. I'm tired!

Not just tired of the endless hype before every Disney movie. Not just tired of all the late night infomercials that can make ANYTHING look like it's worth four-easy-payments-of-$29.95. Not just tired of the same cable news networks talking to the same old losers day after day squawking about the same old political agendas with the same silly grins on their faces.

No I'm tired of REALITY! (That's right, REALITY!)

Reality stinks!
Reality is how we have to work day after day to make ends meet.
Reality is about how tough it is to develop and keep pure and honest relationships with those around us.
Reality is about getting the nerve to face the challenges of daily living.

To tell the truth...
I'm not sick of THAT reality.
(That's just reality), I'm sick of...
R E A L I T Y . . . T E L E V I S I O N !!!

I mean if I have to LIVE with reality, at least I could ESCAPE reality by watching TV! But NO! Today it's hard to switch channels without seeing other people's problems. Who needs that?

Look, I work hard NOT to live in some dumpy trailer park, OK?

I mean, I didn't chose to live in one house with twelve perfect strangers and fourty two hundred video cameras!

Come On, I raised my son to be smarter that to let some studio audience pick whom he will marry!

And no daughter of mine is going to eat any of those choice mammal body parts!

Call me crazy but I think we need a nice dose of UNREALITY TV.

I am SO in the mood for the Beverly Hillbillies right now.
(we miss you, Buddy)


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